Evidence-Based Counseling

A Plan for Success

Free from Anger with a Focus on Progress

With every new day, comes the opportunity for a new discovery. 

Summit Academy provides a supportive and caring environment where students are taught skills necessary to develop and maintain productive and pro-social interpersonal relationships with peers, family members and other adults.

Upon arrival, each student participates in the development of his Individualized Service Plan (ISP). Probation officers and case workers, along with parents, also participate in the creation of the plan.  Each student is also assigned a primary counselor who is responsible to implement the plan and monitor progress toward goals. Formal reports are submitted on a regular basis to court stakeholders, including the student’s judge. In order to ensure effective communication with parents and guardians, students and counselors maintain contact with families and guardians at least twice per week.

From individual counseling sessions to group counseling formats, our young men have access to a full spectrum of rehabilitative counseling services.  They learn to redefine who they are, refocus their energies and begin to repair relationships.  Quite simply, they make life-changing discoveries.  

Evidence-Based & SPEP-Evaluated Group Counseling Formats

  • Aggression Replacement Training (Evidence-Based)
  • SAGE Gun Violence Reduction 
  • Life Skills (Evidence-Based)
  • Victim Awareness (Evidence-Based)

Summit Academy’s Standard Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP) assessment results can be found on the Penn State EPIS website at https://epis.psu.edu/.