The summer is heating up at New Outlook Academy as grades 8 – 12 battle each other in the “CLASS WARS.”
Most recently, students had to turn one of their favorite teachers into a mummy… its a good thing we are over the toilet paper shortage!!
Future battles lie ahead, but at least count, 8th grade was winning this war!
A group of young ladies recently spent the day learning, laughing and enjoying all of the beautiful sights currently on display at Phipps Conservatory.
A day at Phipps never disappoints!!!
Today we commemorate the end of slavery in the United States after the Civil War and celebrate freedom for all.
To all of the men making a difference in the life of a child, enjoy this day and know that you are someone’s HERO!!!
Work continues on the art mural decorating New Outlook Academy’s academic hallway. Over several months, numerous students have contributed to the work featuring several prominent and inspirational women in history.
We will continue to chronicle this project through its completion!
The Summit Choir put on an amazing show for our staff, students and guests. The show comprised choir and solo performances from the students’ favorite film soundtracks, including Titanic, Toy Story, Newsies and The Lion King, among others.
Congratulations to all of our performers on a job well done.
Congratulations to the following young men who graduated from Summit Academy last week.
Elijah A.
Ace A.
Lance D.
Darren P.
Jackiel Y.
We are so proud of the hard work and commitment you demonstrated in achieving this goal and we can’t wait to see all you accomplish in the future.
The garden at New Outlook Academy is again in full bloom.
The girls are learning about the planting, growing and harvesting process.
We are sure the neighbors are looking forward to sharing in the yummy vegetables soon, as they have in years past.
Please call or email for additional information to Gina Samosky, Corporate Communications Coordinator