On Thursday, June 22, 2017, The Summit Academy celebrated the graduation of 33 of our students.The graduation started off with a beautiful singing performance by Milton S., one of Summit Academy's students. Afterward, Charlie Batch, former Pittsburgh Steeler, and Samuel A. Costanzo, Founder and Chief Executive Director of The Academy Schools, spoke encouraging words to our new graduates. The graduation also featured speeches from senior speaker, Kyree G. and valedictorian, Joshua S.. We are so proud of our students, and wish them all the best of luck in feature endeavors. Congratulations to The Summit Academy class of 2017!
Welcome to The Summit Academy Facebook page. We are extremely proud of our students and all of their accomplishments
Proud of you Mr. Wheeler. Please message us to talk about visiting the school.
Summit Students Deliver “Foster Love” Care Packages
Many young children who find themselves in the foster care system arrive in placement under difficult circumstances and many of them without personal belongings. One non-profit group in our area is working to help these children by providing care…
Much to be proud of and thankful for this year.
Personalities of Pittsburgh: Sam Costanzo – Pittsburgh Business Times
The founder of Summit Academy, a school for high school juvenile offenders in Butler County that offers supports to help them transition into adult life, Sam Costanzo has spent the past four decades focusing on community-based services for troubled youth.We are so proud to have hometown hero, Charlie Batch, supporting our work at The Summit Academy’s New Perspective Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. Let’s Win This!!!
Please call or email for additional information to Gina Samosky, Corporate Communications Coordinator