Charter School news

May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017

Welcome to New Academy Charter School Facebook pag…

May 2, 2017
Welcome to New Academy Charter School Facebook page. We are extremely proud of our students and all of their accomplishments. if you are a graduate of New Academy Charter School, please feel free to message us and tell us how you are doing.

The Academy Schools are proud to offer post second…

April 28, 2017

The Academy Schools are proud to offer post secondary scholarships to its high school graduates.

April 28, 2017

Students from The Academy Charter School shared an…

February 2, 2017

Students from The Academy Charter School shared an exceptional opportunity to volunteer their time and talents with members of the community through an afternoon at The Blessing Board. This organization helps families improve their quality of life by providing necessary furniture and household goods free of charge. The Blessing Board serves families who have been victims of home fires or domestic violence, as well as single parents and veterans. Our students volunteered at the supply warehouse where they moved furniture and loaded trucks for the appreciative recipients. They also organized inventory and stocked items on the showroom floor. The volunteer coordinator at The Blessing Board thanked our students for their help and invited them to return to participate in future projects.

The Academy Charter School students and Rainbow Ki…

January 7, 2016

The Academy Charter School students and Rainbow Kitchen, partnered together to brighten the holidays and the lives of Pittsburgh-area homeless. The students stuffed holiday stockings with hand-made winter hats, lip balm, shaving cream and razor, facial soap, lotion, Kleenex, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste and tooth brush and restaurant gift cards. The stockings were then passed out to the Rainbow Kitchen patrons at an event that included lots of smiles and hugs to warm the chilly winter weather.

The Academy Charter School has implemented a Good Neighbor Initiative that allows our students to give back to their community and help them to understand that they are part of a larger society of caring individuals. Our students look forward to continuing to volunteer in future projects.

The Academy Charter School students had a haunting…

October 31, 2015

The Academy Charter School students had a hauntingly good time decorating their classroom doors. Here are the winners for the ‘Best Door Competition’ along with some honorable mentions!

Happy Halloween!

Unanimous Vote Renews The Academy Charter School

August 17, 2015

Unanimous Vote Renews The Academy Charter School

July 30, 2015
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