
With assistance from a group of generous corporate…

With assistance from a group of generous corporate volunteers from IventHelp, New Academy Charter School continued renovations by painting hallway and restrooms areas. Additionally, motivational messages were added to several spaces to provide inspiration to students and staff throughout their day. Thank you to all who participated in this event and contributed to making our […]

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The finance & corp treasury team at BYN Mellon…

The finance & corp treasury team at BYN Mellon presented a donation of 4,610 bulk items to New Academy Charter School as part of the Blessings in a Backpack program. This program works to ensure that youth do not go hungry on the weekends. Thank you to the entire team for your amazing… More

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New Outlook Academy held its first annual Chess To…

New Outlook Academy held its first annual Chess Tournament on Thursday, October 18, 2018. To enter, students were required to interview with New Outlook Academy Teacher, Zach Gass, and answer questions about the basic rules of chess and demonstrated a few calculated moves. 30 students ultimately competed in the single elimination event. Congratulations to Alexa […]

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Mike White: Never mind the record, Summit Academy’s Steve Sherer was an impactful coach

It will be extremely difficult to replace the impact that Steve Sherer has on our staff and students every day at Summit Academy. But his 42-year career will serve as a legacy and a model for future coaches and counselors alike. Thank you Mr. Sherer.…/Mike-Whi…/stories/201810240093 Mike White: Never mind the record, Summit Academy’s Steve […]

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New Academy Charter School staff and students are …

New Academy Charter School staff and students are excited to add a Learning Garden to the campus. Learning Gardens are accessible outdoor classrooms built to fit organically into any school campus. The Learning Garden was specifically designed for the unique layout of our new school. New Academy… More

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